Tag Archives: changes to google serps

Listings with links – Further Expansion – Google’s yet another update…

As we reported recently Google introduced bullet lists in Search Engines Result Pages  - few weeks in to the future and Google is again showing new features. This time well on the way to make SERPs even more accurately targeting people to relevant landing pages:
Bullet Points, Calendars of Events… – All to speed up search process.

Google Search Results Another Types of Links

SERP more Links for Listings

Google’s idea to change SERPs into a one stop shop and create habit of using more then ten text blue links gets another dimension. This time more accurate landing pages from one listing
In the case of the picture attached – FOUR in ONE

Yes, I must admit when Google in order to create more control over our behavior changed Google Accounts system I thought they were a proper bunch of lunatics as this change just upset a lot of people and made huge steps towards Googlnet which put tools in hands of Google opposition frightened by power of manipulation and behavior tracking.

However these latest SERPs changes prove there is still a strong search division in the biggest Search Engine in the world not only bunch of marketers analysing vast amounts of user behavioural patterns and forcing their implementations to modify pure algorithmic SERPs.

Yes this is true, In this huge corporation there are very few guys left who are focused on search algorithms,  search quality etc. These days most of the people involved are – Customer Support people, money collectors  and sales in call centers and in other offices  - no different to a high street bank